DATE: 4.03.2012
Author: flantiaclav
How to snort new op oxycontin 20mg
Can you snort Oxycontin generic - The Q&A wiki... 147: Defeating the New "OP" Oxycontin. my place and i'm not new. Why are some of you telling the OP to snort. can u still chew the new reformulated 80mg oxyc. … 20mg. Drugs Question: How can i snort the new Oxycontin's? The op's I cant answerthis because Its illegal, but the site listed below is a reallity
Half life for new op oxycontin
How to snort new op oxy? - Detox Q&A - Ask Questions and Get.Any Reputable OxyContin (OP NOT OC) Dealer's Ar.... A215 blue,and OC 80's, 40's,20mg for sale at di.... Keep the Topix forums in your pocket with the new. New Answers; Q&A Categories; Coupons; Guides; Sign In | Sign Up; Home; Search; Settings. First off, I am not recommending this to ANYone, but it is possible to snort generic Oxycontin. Tags: how to snort the new oxycontin op, can you. break 10 mg oxycontin op s in half can you the . Oxycontin 20mg op break in half. Half-life: 3 - 4.5 hr: Excretion. How To Snort New Op Oxycodone Question: How to snort new op oxy? Get a finger nail file it's as simple as that!!!!! I have the yellow 40's and I did not want to take.
How can i snort the new Oxycontin's? The op's - Blurtithas anyone used the new op oxycontin??? how does it work?? Posted in the OxyContin. needs to be broken down to a very fine powder... even then if you snort more than 20mg.
has anyone used the new op oxycontin??? how does it work?? - Topix
OxyContin, Roxicodone, Oxycodone Forum - Topix
How to sniff op new oxys
How to snort new op oxycontin 20mg New Oxycontin ("OP" Imprint) -
New Oxycontin ("OP" Imprint) -
How to smoke oxycontin 20mg op tablets - Augmentin hay fever s
New Oxycontin ("OP" Imprint) -
New Oxycontin ("OP" Imprint) -
Is snorting 40mg(four 10mg pills) of Oxycontin a good way to take.
Thread Oxycontin OP 20mg | Bluelight | BoardReader